

Finished another painting tonight; it's called "Generations" and is acrylic/mixed media on canvas. My apologies for the poor picture quality, all I have is a digital camera and am far too broke to pay for professional photography. Hope you enjoy it though. The price is $500.


Work in Progress...

I've been working like crazy on my newest painting, and it's nearly finished. Which is good, because my exhibit at Ambition Cafe in Schenectady, NY is less than a month away! It usually takes me about a month or so to finish a painting (depending on the size). The one I'm working on is a mixed media piece of mirror and acrylics on canvas. I'll be posting the new piece as soon as it's finished. :-)


da vinci had mona lisa, and i have british lisa. here is the portrait i just finished of her, in charcoal and white chalk on paper. size is 18" x 24"...hope she likes it :-)