
I'm Getting There...

Yesterday, I drove over to Jay Street in Schenectady, NY and stopped in at a lovely place called Ambition Cafe. It's one of the cafes that I frequented with my friends during college. It's got great style, with crazy awesome decorations everywhere-- like album covers from the 80s, bottle caps, and artwork.
Anyhoo, Marc and Jeremy at Ambition really liked my stuff, so they asked me to display six or seven pieces on the wall there from Columbus Day until the end of November or so. That means I'll be able to (hopefully!) sell some pieces and people from all over can check it out in person...which is uber cool to me.
You can visit the website for Ambition at http://www.ambitioncafe.com/.

As for the Blueberry Festival tomorrow, the weather will determine if I am outside or inside, so hopefully it won't rain cats and dogs tomorrow. If it does, I'm bringing a raft... the weather this summer has been ridiculous. But I will definitely be there, rain or shine!

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