It's been a while since I posted, and that's because a lot has been going on in my personal life that's kept my mind on other things (ie a death in the family, job changes, etc) but I vow to myself --and you!-- that I'll be updating regularly from here on out. Even if I don't have a new picture to show you, I will definitely be writing about my artwork and other appealing things. :-)
Now, on to other things...
During the last two weeks of March of this year, I found an ad on craigslist (sometimes that site is awesome, sometimes it's sketchy as hell) that was looking for volunteer artists, so of course, I sent in a submission for acceptance. It's for the "BoardedUP!" series in Albany, NY for the Grand Street Community Arts program. (Their website is if you want more information, it's a great bunch of people coming together to make their community more exciting and artsy!) I ran over to the church at the corner of Grand and Madison to pick up a piece of 1/4"-thick plywood and was told I can paint anything on it that was family-friendly. So I decided to do something colorful and abstract, which is my true passion, at least at this point in my life. The board is roughly 2-1/2 feet by 5 feet.
Here's a few pictures of my piece, and the one against the gray stone background is the picture I took of it installed.
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